Every body has 6-pacs
Even Dads new born son had one.
The movie was great,I loved it.
the easter egg is dad's mask at the preloder
Every body has 6-pacs
Even Dads new born son had one.
The movie was great,I loved it.
the easter egg is dad's mask at the preloder
Lol! Not everyone has six pacs hahahaha!
animation was brill the endind almost made me wat myself,I was laughin so hard.
But the voice actor who played Joker did'nt really capture the joker(Heath ledger)'s voice well.No ofence to him but i just loved the movie
that was funny but it was really gros and patric looked scary
love the song so funny
i wish the rateing went over 10
EPIC......that had to be the best LOZ spoof i have ever seen and i cant wait to see the reel legend 4......and i never relly noticed how much i loved the music
irish pride
hellz yes
nuf said
metal, anime and fanta
Age 30, Male
Joined on 7/10/08